Yoga Program – May 4th
Yoga Program is taking place this week, in-person on May 4th from 5:15 -6:15pm @ 42 Bannerman St.
If you have any questions or concerns about this program or if you require transportation please contact Ben at [email protected].
When visiting First Light programs please be aware of the following:
-Participants must pre register for all First Light programs using the instructions provided by First Light staff.
-Participants must complete COVID-19 screening tool prior to arrival at scheduled programs. (Facilitators will send out waivers 24 hours in advance of all programs.)
-All participants must wash or sanitize hands upon entering our facilities
-Masks are mandatory for the duration of all programs
-Please continue to socially distance when possible during programs
-There will be no sharing of program supplies and materials when possible
-Please stay home if you or other family members are feeling unwell