Sit & Knit
Hey Community members join us for another session with the Sit & Knit program November 8th at 716 Water Street location from 10:00 am to 11:30 am. Come and socialize with other knitters/crocheters and work on your personal projects or come and learn how to knit/crochet with materials that we have on hand. Coffee and tea will be provided, if you require any more additional information feel free to contact [email protected].
Transportation is available within St. John’s City limits. Masks are now manditory. Please stay at home if:
a) you have had any of the following symptoms within the last 24 hours:
-Fever (including chills or sweats)
– Cough (new or worsening)
– Shortness or breath/difficulty breathing
– Sore throat or difficulty swallowing
– unusual headache
– Unusual fatigue or lack of energy or muscle aches
– Loss of appetite
– Vomiting or diarrhea
– Loss of smell or taste
– Unusual Runny, stuffy nose
– Red or purple spots on hands or feet.
b) You have been in close contact with a known or suspected case of COVID 19 in the last 14 days.
c) You have been advised to self-isolate for any reason.