Sewing Program : Ribbon Skirts 🪡

During this 2 week project, we will be making ribbon skirts – priority will be given to First Nations participants. 

Please join us for a beginner sewing program! All materials will be provided to make a ribbon skirt.

Please note this program prioritizes First Nations participation. This form is considered an “Application of Interest” to attend this program. This is not a registration form. You will be contacted via email at least 4 days before this program to confirm your registration. If you have any questions please email [email protected]

Limited transportation will be provided within St. John’s limits. Shared rides are recommended.

ℹ️ As of March 14th, all programs will follow the Government’s public health guidelines. There are no restrictions when it comes to vax passes, social distancing, or wearing masks. While wearing a mask is strongly recommended, it is not mandatory. You should do what feels best for you.

Check out our other Sewing Program sessions this month: 

May 5 & 12 – Inuit Style Jackets (Inuit Participants Prioritized)

May 7 & 14 – Ribbon Skirts (First Nations Participants Prioritized)

May 19 & 26 – Ribbon Skirts (First Nations Participants Prioritized)

May 21 & 28 – Inuit Style Jackets (Inuit Participants Prioritized)

1:30 pm - 4:30 pm 40 Quidi Vidi