Ilingavugut: Amauti Mother’s Day Cards ๐Ÿ’

This week, we’ll be making amauti card holders for Mother’s Day!

Atelihai Ilingavugut Families! Please join us in making amauti card holders for Mother’s Day!

Transportation is provided within St. John’s city limits.

There is a water cooler on site, so please feel free to bring your water bottle ๐Ÿ™‚

โ„น๏ธ As of March 14th, all programs will follow the Governmentโ€™s public health guidelines. There are no restrictions when it comes to vax passes, social distancing, or wearing masks. While wearing a mask is strongly recommended, it is not mandatory. You should do what feels best for you.

About Ilingavugut: 

Ilingavugut is a program that is focused on keeping foster/adoptive families of Inuit children connected to Inuit culture.

Check out our other Ilingavugut sessions this month:

May 8 – Amauti Mother’s Day Card Holders

May 22 – Natural Dye Class

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm 40 Quidi Vidi Road